百家乐棋牌| 百家乐棋牌| 悼念张先生 |
前国际心联主席Michel Denis唁电 |
发布时间:2022-12-28 作者: 浏览量: 【关闭】 |
Dear friends of the Chinese psychological community, dear friends of the IUPsyS family, Let me add my voice to the delicate words shared today in response to the announcement of Houcan Zhang's passing by the CPS executives. Houcan was a great figure of Chinese psychology and a contributor to its increased presence on the international scene. I was lucky to experience her thoughtfulness and kindness as a member of the Union's EC, and especially in her role of Vice-President. She made the whole IUPsyS benefit of her wide academic expertise and her genuine sense of humanity. My last opportunity to enjoy her cordial presence and smile was in Paris, during ICAP 2014, as attested by the attached photograph. Michel Denis Former IUPsyS President Honorary EC Member |